Tuesday 1 April 2014



          Stina Persson was born Lund, Sweden, in 1972. She studied fine art, more precisely, in graphic, in Perugia, fashion drawing in Florence, and has her degree in illustration from Pratt Institute in New York. She was awarded as the Society of Illustrator's Student Scholarship in 1996 and 1997, thus, her works are often being exhibited in several shows in New York and Japan. 

The goal with her work, Stina says, ''is making the ugly prettier and the beautiful a little edgier''. 

      All her works that she has done are in variety of mediums, initially creating her luminous characterisations by hand, before enriching them digitally. Using rich jewel toned inks, watercolour dyes, colour pencils, handwriting technique, photography, and Mexican cut paper are to create a style that is both vivid and elegant. As for the final step, she scans them and then gives a digital touch-up. 

She fuses the traditional with the edgy to introduce a up to date look for illustration - a look that is appreciated by numerous clients including Nike, Absolut Vodka and Blue Note Records.

These handwriting are done by ink. The dots and spray of the ink give an effect of the writing itself.

These two works are done by her by using Mexican paper cut. Both of them are similar, but the first picture is more likely about a natural beauty of leaves, hence, it emphasise more on the leaves colour and twigs. As for the other one, it tells more about the natural beauty of the apples.

Mix media, inks and watercolours for the first picture and inks for the second picture. The first picture gives a bit gloomy and depression feeling on how she draws the face and the background which is in darker way. On the other hand, the second picture gives a snob feeling.

Both of these illustrations are done by watercolours. She really expresses well on her works. It gives an elegant sense and  natural beauty of the women.

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